How to Care for Newly Installed Custom Kitchen Cabinets

How to Care for Newly Installed Custom Kitchen Cabinets 

When you have new custom cabinets installed in Orange County, CA, you likely want to ensure they continue looking their best for years to come. While part of that comes down to being careful when you use them and cleaning them regularly, it goes a bit deeper than that. If having pristine kitchen cabinets is a priority for you, there are many things that you should add to your routine to ensure beautiful cabinets now and in the future.

Proper Cleaning After Installation 

You have beautiful new custom cabinets, and you could probably bask in their beauty for hours. Or you might be ready to put them to use making a fantastic meal for your family members or a group of friends. Regardless of which camp you fall into, a bit of cleaning needs to be done before you get started. Don’t worry, this process won’t take long and it will be well worth the effort. 

Once your new custom cabinets are ready, take a damp, soft cloth and clean the cabinets from end to end and top to bottom. As soon as that is done, use a different dry cloth to soak up any water from the initial cleaning. When you’re wiping the cabinets, make sure that you go with the direction of the wood grain. 

After cleaning, you can add a thin coating of high-quality polish to the cabinets. The polish you choose should not contain wax or silicone, and it’s essential to follow the manufacturer’s directions for the application process. The reason for polishing the new custom cabinets is because polish helps protect them from stains, excess moisture, and minor scratches.

Essential Regular Cleaning Tips for Cabinets 

At this point, perhaps you’ve used your cabinets a few times, and there’s some debris, grease, or other grime building up on them. These things can start to damage your cabinets and, over time, will make them look less aesthetically pleasing. At least once every two weeks, remove the buildup by wiping your cabinets down with a soft cloth dampened with warm water. Those who use the kitchen more frequently will want to clean their cabinets more often. 

If water isn’t doing the job on its own, you can combine the water with a mild dishwashing soap. Always wipe down the custom wood cabinets in the direction of the grain. After you’re done, a soft cloth can be used to sop up any of the excess moisture that might remain on the cabinets. 

In situations where you need more than routine cleaning, a paste of baking soda and water can be used instead. The paste can be applied to a sponge before you scrub any stains until they are gone. Next, rinse the area with water and then dry it with a cloth. Another tip is to mix water and vinegar together for cleaning if you have sticky substances on the cabinets.

What to Do About Scratches and Nicks 

When you have your custom cabinets installed, the company doing the work may be able to provide you with a touch-up kit for scratches and other blemishes. This will help you maintain the look and feel of your cabinets without any unsightly areas. If you recently updated your kitchen or installed new custom cabinets, purchasing a touch-up kit will give you the items needed to take care of small blemishes.

Always Clean Up Spills Immediately 

Spills are going to happen, and there’s truly little you can do to protect your cabinets from an occasional toppled glass or spilled bowl. However, there are ways to handle the situation to prevent damage to your cabinets. As soon as you notice something has been spilled, it should be wiped up using a damp sponge or cloth before it is allowed to dry. Leaving liquid on a cabinet can lead to stains or other damage over time. It’s best to blot up the liquid spill when you need to clean it, rather than wiping it like you might be used to.

Take Care to Avoid Excessive Moisture 

Various things can damage the finish on your cabinets, but the number one culprit is moisture. Your cabinets located by the baseboards, the sink, or the dishwasher are the most likely to suffer this kind of damage. As soon as you notice moisture, make sure to clean it up. Another tip is to avoid draping wet towels over doors since this can create additional moisture. Leaving a coffee maker in a position where the steam vents onto the cabinet should also be avoided.

Keep the Cabinets Away from Too Much Light 

Direct sunlight is another thing that can quickly damage your new custom cabinets, predominantly if they are composed of natural wood. If you have laminated or painted wood cabinets, direct sunlight can also lead to fading, so the color vibrancy of your cabinets starts to decrease. Put up a set of blinds or curtains on any windows that allow direct light onto your cabinets. This will go a long way toward keeping your custom cabinets in the best shape possible.

Don’t Place Rubber or Plastic on Cabinets 

If you are using rubber or plastic serving ware or other objects, these items should not be placed directly on the custom wood cabinets. The ingredients in these items can react with the wood and cause damage. Some of the other things that should be avoided with your new custom cabinets include abrasive cleaners, rough cleaning tools, and aggressive acids.

Have the Top Quality Custom Cabinets Installed in Your Home 

At Knotty Nuff Wood, we offer a wide assortment of custom cabinets and woodwork for individuals in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Malibu, Santa Monica, and other area Central California locations. We’ll work with you to build a vision of what you’re looking for to ensure the perfect service. Our team takes a hands-on approach to create the woodwork you need, whether that’s custom cabinets, dining room tables, or built-ins. If you’re ready to learn more about our services and ask a few questions, you can visit us on our website.

Contact Knotty Nuff Wood today with any of your Custom Cabinet and Woodworking needs!