The Best Products for Cleaning the Home During COVID-19

The Best Products for Cleaning the Home During COVID-19

Everyone is aware of the COVID-19 pandemic that has spread around the world and the changes it has brought to everyone's daily routines. However, you might be wondering what the proper cleaning procedures are to take care of your custom cabinets, light switches, desks, and other items that you come in contact with regularly.

There's a lot of information to sift throughout there, and it can be overwhelming on top of everything else that is happening right now. Today, we're going to provide you with the facts so you can move forward and know you're doing everything you can to keep your home healthy and happy until this virus is under control.

Tips to Consider When Cleaning Your Home

The absolute most crucial thing to be aware of when cleaning during coronavirus is that you should always slip on a pair of disposable gloves before doing any cleaning or disinfecting. This will prevent you from getting any germs on you while the cleaning process is happening.

For necessary cleaning, you want to use a mixture of soap and water to scrub things and keep them pristine. All of the surfaces in your home that are touched regularly should be cleaned frequently. This includes items like the following:

  • Countertops

  • Desks

  • Doorknobs

  • Faucets

  • Handles

  • Keyboards

  • Light Switches

  • Phones

  • Sinks

  • Tables

  • Toilets

Make sure that you add in additional items that are frequently touched in your home, whatever those might be. Everyone is different and going to need to clean some surfaces more than others. 

How to Handle Disinfecting After Cleaning Surfaces

First, make sure you have cleaned the surface using soap and water or some other form of detergent if it's dirty. After that, you can move forward with using a household disinfectant. The United States Environmental Protection Agency has a list of recommended options if you aren't sure whether the one you have is sufficient for fighting COVID-19. Read the instruction on the bottle to be sure you use it correctly. In many cases, this means leaving surfaces moist for a certain amount of time. It might also be recommended that you wear gloves and have ample ventilation while using a disinfectant.

In some cases, a mixture of bleach diluted with water can work in the same way as a disinfectant. You'll want to check out the label on the bleach to be sure it's made for this purpose, while also looking at the expiration date to ensure it's still good. There are some bleaches, often those for clothing, that do not disinfect and should be avoided.

If you choose to use a solution of bleach, mix five tablespoons of bleach into a gallon of water, apply it to the surface, and let it sit for a minute at minimum. Those who have no bleach or disinfectant can also substitute with an alcohol solution that is at least 70% alcohol to get the same results. 

How to Clean Soft Surfaces Alongside Hard Surfaces 

The explanation above works best on hard surfaces, while soft surfaces like drapes, carpeted floors, and rugs require a different kind of cleaning method. However, some steps are the same, which makes it easy to do the cleaning all at one time. As such, soft items can be cleaned using either soap and water or a cleaner that is intended for the surface itself.

Any items that can be washed in the laundry should be cleaned based on the manufacturer's recommendations. Make sure you turn the water temperature to its hottest setting and let the items dry thoroughly after you are done. For disinfection, you can use the same EPA items mentioned earlier in the article. 

What to Do to Keep Electronics Clean and Safe 

Now you might be wondering what your options are to keep your tablets, phones, remote controls, and keyboards clean and sanitized since these are items that are used throughout the day every single day. One of the things you can do is be proactive by purchasing and placing a wipeable cover onto any essential electronics.

Tablets, phones, and other electronics are all different, and the instructions for disinfecting and cleaning them will also be unique. Try to find information from the manufacturer to determine what the best course of action is. However, if nothing is found, using alcohol sprays or wipes with at least 70% alcohol will typically work well. After disinfecting, make sure that you dry the surface thoroughly. 

Taking Care of Laundry During the Time of Coronavirus 

When you need to launder towels, clothing, linens, and other things, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Use the manufacturer's instructions when laundering items in your home. However, make sure you use the warmest water setting that is appropriate and dry your items thoroughly when it is clean.

  • If you have someone in your home who is sick, make sure that you use disposable gloves when handling any of their dirty laundry.

  • Remember that laundry from someone who is ill can be washed in the same load as laundry from other healthy people.

  • When doing dirty laundry, do not shake it as any germs on the clothing can be moved around.

  • To clean and disinfect clothes hampers, use the above information about soft surfaces.

  • After you finish starting the laundry, take off the disposable gloves and immediately wash your hands.

Staying Safe in the COVID-19 Pandemic 

The steps above will keep you safe and your home clean during coronavirus. Other things that can be helpful include washing your hands regularly, using hand sanitizer, and avoiding touching your face. Be vigilant, and you can keep yourself as safe as possible. 

At Knotty Nuff Wood, we want to ensure everyone makes it through the pandemic healthy. You can use the information above to understand how to clean and disinfect any of our custom furniture or cabinets. If you're interested in learning more about what we do or having unique furniture made, feel free to get in touch with us!