The Most Popular Kitchen Designs and What Sets Them Apart

The Most Popular Kitchen Designs and What Sets Them Apart

It doesn’t matter if you are remodeling an old kitchen or building an entirely new space for cooking and baking; some kitchen designs are timeless and will look great today and decades into the future. While adding in trendy features might be okay on a limited basis, the most popular designs are the ones that look good no matter what kind of lens you look through. 

This article is going to delve into some popular options that have staying power but also look aesthetically pleasing in the present. We’ll talk about what recommendations we have and why those things might be the perfect choice for your kitchen. Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide what is right for you and your home, but this will give you some ideas to start with.

Kitchens with a White on White Color Scheme

Stainless steel is the most popular color for appliances at the moment, but that doesn’t make it right for everyone. Black is another color commonly used in kitchens, but we want to talk about a different hue. White. One of the great things about white appliances is that they don’t smudge as easily as stainless steel. It’s also a color that is timeless so you can install white appliances now, and they will look just as good 10 years from now.

It also bears awareness that stainless steel is no longer as unique and uncommon as it used to be. In fact, most kitchens revolve around this kind of color. It doesn’t really offer that unique factor that you will find by choosing white, a color that is less common on today’s landscape.

Accessibility as a Feature That Can Serve Everyone

While white on white is a trend that goes back decades, accessibility is something that is just now becoming popular to consider. The aging population around the globe has made it necessary to find new ways to set up kitchens so people can use them even when they have mobility issues or other signs of aging. Below are a few of the ways you can make a kitchen a bit more accessible:

  • Microwave Drawers – Rather than having a microwave that is up high or down low and hard to get access to, microwave drawers can be just below counter height to be easier to use. All you have to do is open up the drawer and put the food in the microwave, close the door, and start it up. For those who have trouble with high microwaves, this is a great solution.

  • Counter Height Side-Opening Ovens – Just like microwaves, ovens don’t have to be at a height that some people find difficult to access. In this case, they’re usually close to the ground, which some people find hard to bend to get down to. Instead, an oven at counter height is an ergonomic option that people of all ages can appreciate.

  • Deep Pockets in Drawers – Instead of typical cabinets, custom cabinets can have deep drawer space to hold all your pots and pans with ease. Deep drawer organizers can also be implemented to keep things stored and placed precisely where you want them to be. 

Smaller Appliances That Fit into Littler Kitchens

Something else that has been gaining popularity lately is small kitchens. Retirees and millennials are taking the micro-living idea and running with it, which means all the rooms are a bit smaller than they used to be. In addition, those who own multigenerational homes often have smaller second kitchens for their older parents or adult children who move back home.

As an idea of what this kind of kitchen design looks like, think about a small space with a combination microwave and convection oven, a two-burner stove, and a small refrigerator or refrigerator drawer. You’ll also find custom cabinets that can hold all the cookware and dining ware needed for an individual or couple. 

Additional Light Using LED Rope Ribbons 

You may be familiar with LED rope lights in bedrooms and living rooms, but you may not realize that these are also coming into the kitchen and for a good reason. They can be placed inside of cabinet doors to show off your serving dishes, along the edge of the bottom of custom cabinets to prevent stubbed toes at night, and in the crown molding to offer more light at ceiling level.

There are lots of things to appreciate about a kitchen design with LED rope lights, including:

  • Energy Efficient – Most LED lights will last around 50,000 hours, which is five times the amount of compact fluorescent bulbs.

  • Multiple Colors – Available in all the colors you can imagine, including red, blue, white, green, yellow, and more.

  • Lack of Emitted Heat – LEDs are known for putting off virtually no heat, which makes them safe and will prevent burning walls or cabinets.

  • Creative Options – These lights are easy to use, and you can get creative with how you place them in the room, so you can let your artistic side fly.

Switching to Custom Cabinets Made of Real Wood

Another kitchen design decision that will never be regretted is switching from stock cabinets that you can find at every home improvement store and placing custom cabinets instead. While stock cabinets are made with low-quality materials and come in a small selection of sizes, the opposite is true of custom cabinets and cabinet hardware.

When you work with artisans with love for what they do, you can expect beautiful cabinets that will remain in your kitchen for decades. Every component of these items will be created to be quality, so minor maintenance is all that is needed to keep them looking great for ages. 

At Knotty Nuff Wood, we care about offering something unique. All of the cabinets and other pieces of furniture we make are created by hand to meet your preferences. We offer our services in places like San Clemente, Laguna Niguel, Newport Beach, and Irvine. If you want to learn more about what we can do for you, get in contact with us today.